Sunday, 5 September 2010

Inkygoodness - Play Exhibition

I've had a busy, but fun week.
I've been helping out at the Inkygoodness 'Play' Exhibition at the East Gallery on Brick Lane, London.
I've really liked this collective for a while as I saw their exhibition last year at the Birmingham Custard Factory and thought they were amazing.
I've met so many talented illustrators, it's very inspiring indeed. Most of which I had already heard of, so it was great to meet them in person.
I learnt about hanging the show, pricing up the artwork and what it takes to run a collective like inkygoodness.
The show is on for another week so go have a look if you're in London!

I have a website!

Well, I finally got round to it, and I find it very exciting. I'm enjoying the rollovers and the blue and pink colour scheme, and also having an online portfolio.. that kind of being key!

let me know what you think perhaps? :)

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