Friday, 26 June 2009

Goodbye Michael :/

such a shock, as if he's actually gone... my dreams of seeing him in concert are quite far out of reach now, oh well.. hopefully he's in heaven.

I'v been doing a lot of doodles and things, well while i
was at uni, I seem to require a new muse. Hmm, thought I'd post some of my sketchbook pages though :)

Thursday, 26 March 2009

I love tea.

Just an image that was floating around in my head. I love Stina Persson, i think looking at her work inspired me, and then subconsciously I created this. I love fashion illustration but i don't think my degree work would lend itself to this, hmm.. but yum, tea! 
So Thursday it is. I haven't been posting, but I'm going to try really hard to make this blog work now.
I will use it for my illustrations primarily. The one above is well something on the spur of the moment, a late night and a lot of ideas in my head... and some krispy kreme packagaing included there too! haha.

I'm looking forward to Easter shall be good to have a break... 

Friday, 30 January 2009

I think interesting people occupy trains.

I'm so confused right now with this whole blogging concept.. I blame ang! but the lure of creating a url with octopus love child was too compelling.
aah, I hope to fill this page with illustrations. I think deviantart may have had its day now :/

I had an interesting train journey of four hours today, the usual Bournemouth to Stourbridge run was somewhat absent of happenings, but i still tried to take what i could from it, i managed to sketch anxious people on platforms, at least i think the guy in the mackintosh was anxious?

Who knows, It's nice to be home :) x
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